Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Guest "confession" by Peri Clark

Peri is certified in Career Development, both as a counsellor and a practitioner. She is also certified in Firo B, (behavioral elements) and specializes in Emotional Intelligence Assessment (EQ-i™), Coaching and Development. She has extensive training in working with people dealing with anxiety and challenges. Peri currently lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, Canada but serves clients throughout North America, Southeast Asia (Indonesia & Singapore) and Australia.

Besides all that stuff...Peri also happens to be my mother. And a wonderful one she is! Since I can remember she has always taught us kids to embrace self improvement, the power of the mind, and to live life with flair and laughter. Although there were/are times when I wish that she didn't always know exactly what the real reason might be that I'm sad or mad or want to punch someome in the face! ... "now Lora, think of what YOU might be reflecting right now....", "you are where you want to be honey." Well....she's right! and I thank her for that.

Here is a "confession" she is sharing with us today.

(Slightly Unconventional) Emotional Wisdom- by Peri

Have you felt frustrated with someone this week? I am betting that the answer is YES!

Frustration is a normal reaction that everyone experiences from time to time (unless they are emotionally dead or in a coma) in social environments like work, school, or with family members It is unavoidable. Ongoing triggers like office politics, long hours, huge workloads, inefficient coworkers and deadlines make the workplace the perfect breeding ground for frustration at its best! Not to mention pre-occupied family members. (PS3, cell phones, Facebook anyone), who don’t seem to be pulling their weight around the house.

Whether it affects your efficiency, your sanity, your plans for the evening, or even your mood- in the long run it depends on how you handle it.

My way of handling frustration is rather unconventional. I like to picture the source of my frustration (usually a person) in different, unusual scenarios. For example, a co-worker that I am finding particularly annoying- perhaps they are not returning my phone calls, or, I need them to assist me by providing some information that they all of a sudden don’t seem to be able to- find although they had it an hour ago. Maybe I need someone to help me move something that is too heavy to do by myself, but they cant do it till next week, which by that will time have me fired. Or how about the family member that eats off your precious heirloom plates then hides them under their bed, that you are unable to find until you see a mouse heading in for a snack?

Regardless of the infraction, I get immense pleasure by picturing these “Frustrating Freddies” with necks made of rubber. As I twist their head round and round, the neck participates by acting as a sort of “propeller rod”. Once the heads get round up very tightly- you let go….and imagine the havoc that happens with their necks unwinding at the speed of lightening, and the look of shock and awe on their faces as it happens! Ha Ha Ha. It is pretty funny. Sometimes picturing the head bouncing off of walls to a Rolling Stones tune or the Philharmonic Orchestra for a more dramatic effect, is very amusing. Other times the neck may be so tightly wound that it actually lifts them off the ground – helicopter style, hopefully not into a ceiling fan! There are untold amounts of possible scenarios that are sure to satisfy a harmless, imaginary payback as the result of being an uncooperative idiot.

Ally McBeal perfected this method in her show. Not only does it help you vent, relieve your frustration, and feel a heck of a lot better, you can do so with a smile. Try it and let me know how it works for you!

This is Peri- your emotional wisdom provider- wishing you a frustration free week!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Hair Talk

I am having a bad hair day! I can hardly stand myself right now because I should’ve known when I woke up this morning that it was not going to be a good hair day… for one, my cowlick was extra, shall I say pointy!

So for now I have it up in a extra high ponytail that is so tight that I feel a headache coming on, and I might look like I’ve had a facelift too. I know that both my sisters know exactly what I am talking about.

We all complain about our hair. Women have been straightening, dying, curling, extending and decorating their hair since the beginning of time, even the flintstones ladies accessorized their hair with bones to make it look more attractive!

Now I do in fact actually like my hair most of the time. I have come to appreciate the inconsistent waves and curls, the nice volume when I let it air dry, and the natural color change that happens from summer to winter.

But I wouldn’t mind having these gorgeous heads of hair! Here are some my all time fav celebrity hair. Notice that they are mostly long brunettes but I included a couple of blondes too, not to appear bias...

Penelope Cruz - gorgeous glossy shine!

Vanessa Hudgens - beautiful beach hair!

Gisele - if I was a blonde bombshell!

Blake Lively - ladylike luscious layers!

Maybe it's time for me to get a wash & blow!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Rejuvenation Monday!

For something completely I started my 7 day gentle cleansing detox to get bikini ready for my winter vacation! 2 magical herb pills 15 mins before breakfast, and 2 with breakfast, taken with a full glass of purified water, and the same with dinner. So far so good, and obviously there hasn't been any noticable changes (I did have the quite the sneezing attack this morning)... but because of my overactive imagination I am already sensing my body's gratitude, and I can already tell that I am going to feel amazing by the end of it. And it won't hurt that my last day of detox will be my first morning in beautiful Barbados! It'll be my first time on the Carribean Sea. Not only that, it'll be my first vacation with my bb Kelsey. I am way too excited!

Now what to pack?


Friday, December 04, 2009

Tis the season to eat!

I love food parties! So today I want to share a couple of my favorites, attended and hosted.
"The Crepe Party"

Fill your crepes with these tasty fillers!

sweet: lemon & sugar, sliced banana, honey, nuttela, pineapple, strawberry and of course whipped cream...

savoury: scrambled eggs, ham/bacon, sauteed spinach & onions, salsa, feta/mozzarella cheese

Serve with Tea or Coffee? how about a Chai Latte? Perfect.

"The Pizza Party"

These mini personal pizza's are perfect for a late lunch or early dinner. From the classic toppings to the more gourmet...

With tomato or pesto paste on mini pitas or flatbread.

the cheeses
milder cheeses such as monterey jack, and mozarella are the most common. Or try the more pungent (that word!) such as goat cheese, parmesan or the most pungent of all blue cheese!

the meats
roasted/grilled chicken or turkey, Bacon, Beef, Anchovies, Calamari, Canadian Bacon, Smoked Salmon…

the veggies (endless options!), here are my favs!
alfalfa sprouts, artichoke hearts, asparagus, bean sprouts, broccoli, capers, eggplant, garlic, green chiles, peppers, leeks, mushrooms, olives, onions, peanuts, pineapple, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, zuchinni


Serve with Mimosa A refreshing drink to go with all these flavours, perfect for anytime of day...

Now who's hungry?


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Guest "confession" by Santana Wijana

Wednesday is Guest Day. I invited Santana, my gorgeous little sister as my first guest! Santana is one of those girls you get addicted to. She is funny, smart and sooo much fun! She recently returned to Canada after living in Bali again since she was a teeny weeny girl. She spent her year in Bali as PR for some of the most popular night clubs. In other words she was paid to party!!! And party she did. After trying that out for a while...she decided she was ready for the simple (but wonderful) life again. Now she is back in Gibsons, she has brought her one and only Tommy with her home (breakdancer extraordinaire!). Naturally she is back at Starbucks, whipping up the best tasting beverages and greeting her favorite customers (me!) with her bright smile!

Here is a "confession" she is sharing with us today!

Santana and Tommy

After working at Starbucks for 3 years I have finally perfected the perfect drink! I have gone from such drastic drinks as quad venti espresso frappucinos to tall steamed soy milks (which tasted like cardboard), and have finally found “my usual”.

Being behind the counter allows me to mix all different kinds of syrups together. And of course, taking orders from the highly simple clientele (tall latte) to the …highly sophisticated ( triple ristretto, grande, 2 pump sugar free vanilla, non fat, extra hot, no foam, ez whip mocha) have given me many ideas!

So the next time you’re going in for a quick cup of coffee, consider this drink instead and let me know what you think! Don’t worry about sounding difficult to the barista behind the counter. You wouldn’t believe some of the orders we take!

Sanj’s Perfect Hot Cocoa :

1.5 pumps dark mocha

1.5 pumps white mocha

1 pump vanillaSteamed milk (or soy!)

Whip cream

Caramel drizzle.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Something New

Weather you're still in school or already in the work force, you can't help but feel that nervous, dissapointed feeling in the pit of your stomach that Sunday is over...because when Sunday is over... it's MONDAY. So to give Monday a little happiness and excitement, I decided that Mondays is the day I will try something new! New can be diffrent from usual, haven't done in a while...or shiny, new, like something out of a box brand new!

Here are the new things I've tried today (so far):

Instead of having just a cold boiled egg for breakfast, I had a small bowl of oatmeal afterwards. I had my oatmeal with sliced bananas, honey and a bit of almond milk... tasty warm bowl of goodness.
And while I was getting dressed for work...I discovered an old favorite pink sweater of mine I haven't worn for so long (glad I wore it since I've had plenty compliments on it) almost forgot how fun pink is!
Dash through the rain (no snow yet!) in these vibrant colors and fun patterns!

Marc Jacobs

Victoria Secret

Victoria Secret

Dolce Vita
And my new favorite word for today is "terrific" (feels terrific just to say it out loud). Hope everyone had a terrific Monday!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday "Sun"day

What a gorgeous day it was today!
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, people were walking around like they just had a delicious cocktail on the beach!
It's all because of the SUNSHINE!!!
I don't think I even had chocolate today... but I did have coffee (1st in 4 days! can you tell?)
As I walk down the peer for my lunch time stroll...I smile at everyone that passes by, "hello", "hi", "how lucky are we!", "this sure doesn't feel like winter!"
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love it!
I am also noticing how much I am loving exclamation marks right now!
Oh and how perfect is it that it's FRIDAY!!!
I am going to have the best weekend, even if it rains, because I will remember (and wait) that the sunshine always manages to grace us with its presence, even in November!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Laugh Out Loud

I think I've had the giggles for over a week now...

I guess I am starting to realize that if you think about any sittuation long enough, you can always find a little part (or big) about it that's funny... in my case it's usually because of my own ridicilousness..

Like when I take my niece swimming the other night. So I usually do a 20 min routine of swimiming laps first, while Kaliya waits patiently. It's a bit of a challenge when it's extra busy, with kids playing piggy in the middle, pool noodles flying all over the place, but I seem to manage... but as I took a breath before my stroke....a ball hit me right in the face! My first reaction that stung, where is that little brat that hit me? and then all of a sudden that feeling passed and I started laughing out loud at myself... even funnier is that this was not the last time a ball came flying at my face, it happened 2 more times!

Or this morning I did a 20 min yoga routine when I woke up... ahhhh....I am so in tune with my body, this will surely create a positive start to my day. On the contrary, I don't exactly know when the moment happened but I ended up changing outfits 5 times and when I got to work realized that after all that I chose a dress that 's too big and a belt that keeps riding up(my solution of "just belt it" was not a solution at all), oh and cheap stockings that feel like their pants! And I also couldn't decide weather to put my hair up or leave it down...which resulted in flat head by now.... but it doesn't matter cause I will be lying on a dentist chair getting my teeth cleaned after work today, and nobody looks that attractive after a dentist appointment.

My point the time these "terrible" things are happening I am so frustrated that I could cry...but lately...if I wait long enough I laugh instead.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Ten to One...with a positivity twist.

TEN things you wish you could say to ten different people:
1. I am way smarter than you... but you're not stupid.
2. You remind me of a gerbil... but gerbils can be cute.
3. I think you might be gay...I wish for you that you are true to yourself.
4. You should never wear those pants again...lets go shopping for better ones.
5. Are you possessed? here's a bible!
6. Why are you not fired yet? You might be doing something right.
7. I wish that you tried harder... then I can respect you more.
8. You are a horrible singer... but at least you like music.
9. Stop trying to be like me... you are good the way you are.
10. You are soooooo lazy! Are you okay?

NINE things about yourself:
1. I am always always hungry...probably because I am so active.
3. I like being in control...because I am afraid of failure.
4. I don't like night time alone...I like it better with Brett.
5. I get excited to see my family everytime...because I love them so much!
8. I get song lyrics wrong all the time...
6. but I don't care about getting it right...because it's more fun and funny to get it wrong!
7. I am impatient with slow people and wish that I wasn't... I am working on it.
9. I love dancing alone... and with other people.

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
1. Sense of humour
2. Great smile & hair
3. Intelligence
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Honesty
7. Family Values
8. Good dress sense

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Why am I here? because I chose to be.
2. I wish I was a stylist...I am thinking of taking some fashion courses.
3. Shopping... because it's fabulous.
4. is the best!
5.'s delicious.
6. Brett... I love him!
7. Family...I love them.

SIX things you do before you fall asleep:
1. Wash my face & brush my teeth
2. Take off my socks
3. Rub my feet and hands together
4. Pray, wish, thanks...
5. Tell Brett I love him
6. Close my eyes

FIVE people of the opposite sex who mean a lot to you:
1. Brett.
2. Daddy
3. Grandpa
4. Leif
5. My brothers and brother in laws.

FOUR things you're wearing right now:
1. Fantastic new pumps
2. White dress shirt
3. Black pants
4. Gold

THREE songs that you listen to often lately:
1. Top of my lungs - WC
2. Wanna be startin somethin - MJ
3. Party in the USA - MC

TWO things you want to do before you die (lets change this to 35):
1. Have a child
2. Have my own clothing line

ONE confession:
1. this blog is full of it!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Drive to work...

Sing along to my favorite song...
picture myself on stage

It's pouring rain...
but I am dry and warm in my car with the heat on high

School kids in polka dot gumboots waiting for their school bus...
parents holding up giant umbrellas and sipping on warm coffee

Familiar faces, walking on the side of the road...
some happy some sad

Thoughts of what the day might be like...
how nice last night was

Should I get Starbuck...
or have my office green tea instead?

Arrived at the office...
can't turn off the car till this song is over.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Winter favorite things...

The sound of rain drops.
Bright green moss.
Slow cooked meals.
Fresh baked goods...
and french pressed coffee.
Starbucks treats from Santana.
Warm socks right out of the dryer.
Comfy boots over leggings.
Hot Soups!
Bubble baths.
Chinese food w Grandma.
Red wine.
Painting w Mom.
Walking with an umbrella...
and wishing that you'd fly up...
like Mary Poppins.
Tooney Tuesday w Kaliya.
Lazy days.
Tea time w Marlis.
My couch...
with Brett.

Monday, November 09, 2009

What's for dinner?

So my sister and I were having a nice chat over coffee the other day... as usual no matter what topic we start with we always end up talking about food. Eating it, cooking it, feeding it... buying it. We decided that we have developed a different kind of shopping addiction...GROCERIES! She had just recently cleaned out her fridge of old condiments/salad dressings/left over containers.... half eaten apples, etc.... anyways, her fridge is now squeeky clean...and empty. Which means it's time for a big shop! It would be extra fabulous if we had fine grocery stores like Whole Foods, Meindhearts or Urban Fare... with gorgeous stainless steele baskets, stunning floral arrangements, french pastries that you can smell from blocks away, and jazz classics softly playing in the background... hmm this is sounding more like a hotel lobby? Anyways for now we'll settle for Marketplace IGA, Super Value and of course London Drugs, we love LD!

It's a great time of year for grocery shopping! The stores are filled with extra special items for the holiday season, especially the hor dourves and desserts for entertaining. And...of course a 'Turkey Buck' for every $20 you spend.

Now lets talk a little bit about our supermarkets.

- Marketplace IGA is cosmetically quiet nice, with red, green, gold and wood accents to give it that old fashion market look.
- The ethnic aisle is also quite fabulous! It is separated in sections, Japan (sushi!), China (sweet and sour chicken!), Mexico (tacos!), Thai (pad thai!) Indonesia (nasi goreng, rendang!).... this is where I stop the most.
- 'Our Compliments' is the store brand, here is the featured recipe for today:
- In the same complex of IGA is the 'you never know' Liquidation World. Need a new couch? hand towels? frozen pizza? they have it! My sisters and I have all found something unexpected here. We especially love brand name fahion items that are marked down to $5! This place is full of it all. Sometimes great, sometimes disgusting, but you never know...

Super Value is where I shop. It's only a couple blocks away....which I like to walk to when I can, and this is when I like to pretend that I'm only going for a couple of things, and I end up buying the heaviest items possible, like a giant pineapple, glass bottled milk, jumbo yams... and by the time I get home I have lost all circulations in my arms. Anyways....

- Super Value has more of a village feel, with blue, white and red, kind of a sail boat theme (ahoy mate!) which is quite cute.
- The meat department is always well priced, so this is one of my favorite sections. Boneless, skinless chicken thighs anyone?
- The store brand is 'no name', but it also caries 'President's Choice (worth switching supermarkets for). Here is the recipe for today:

Another plus for Super Value is the fact that London Drugs is just around the corner! This is must stop for us! From their snack aisle, that always have chocolates and tuna on sale, to the fun seasonal department, you are bound to walk out of LD with something wonderful for your kitchen, living room, bathroom or bedroom!

Well I think that's all for now...
I think I'll give my sister a call and see what she's cooking for dinner. It's Sushi night for me, so I'm making my special tuna rolls... cause little Kaliya is coming for dinner and it's her favorite!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

B is for...

Today is all about my one and only, Brett. One, because it's his birthday. Two, because he's the most wonderful husband and friend. And three, he is incredibly talented, and he inspires me everyday. Brett is part of the hip-hop group Wilderness Crew. Slowly but surely their music is being heard internationally. Starting from his hometown Roberts Creek all the way to my hometown, Kuta, Bali. Brett has never stop believing that his music will be heard and enjoyed by millions of fans. Like the lyrics of his next hit song "Big things to say...won't stop until they're listenin baby, down to L.A...won't stop until we get there baby..." On that note...have a great California trip Brett. Happy 28th Birthday! I love you. xo

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hockey & Hamburgers

Saturday night = Hockey night in Canada.
6 straight hours of hockey on CBC.... my husband couldn't be happier. With a bit of the sniffles, it doesn't seem so bad to be cuddled up on the couch with the familiar sound of the commentators and the puck being passed around on the fresh shiny ice....

for dinner I thought burgers would be perfect! I actually have been craving a good ol burger for a few days now... with a nice glass of coca cola too.

although I have little burger eating experience, I truly believe that my homemade sirloin gourmet burger is the best I have ever had! the side dish of yam fries dipped in spicy ketchup couldn't have been more perfect. We enjoyed our meal while watching the last bit of the hockey game, which our team, the Canucks won! I hesitate to really get overjoyed for this team, though I am new to the game (watching it) I am already finding that as soon as you get too excited over a win...the next game they would lose... sometime so badly that I am embarrassed for ever caring, but I think this particular game would've been a win win situation anyway for I had a wonderful saturday night with my husband!

oh....I realized a few hours later I had forgotten to serve my gourmet burgers with my nice glass of coke which is so irritating. Now I have a big bottle in my fridge that probably won't get opened for....

well I could have a sunday rum & coke tonight? if only Grandpa was visiting.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It seems that the Autumn season brings on change... I know for me one of the biggest changes in my life happened in September. And I can't help but think that everytime I feel restless during this season...I think maybe because it's programmed in my mind that I should be getting ready for a change. But maybe it's just because the possibilities of summer are gone, no more days spent all day outside, no more daylight until ten in the evening...and the chill of winter is on the horizon. Skies turn grey, we wake in dark and and people turn inward, both physically and mentally. 

For now I am looking forward to the warm lamb curry that I smell cooking in the kitchen...