Monday, November 16, 2009

Ten to One...with a positivity twist.

TEN things you wish you could say to ten different people:
1. I am way smarter than you... but you're not stupid.
2. You remind me of a gerbil... but gerbils can be cute.
3. I think you might be gay...I wish for you that you are true to yourself.
4. You should never wear those pants again...lets go shopping for better ones.
5. Are you possessed? here's a bible!
6. Why are you not fired yet? You might be doing something right.
7. I wish that you tried harder... then I can respect you more.
8. You are a horrible singer... but at least you like music.
9. Stop trying to be like me... you are good the way you are.
10. You are soooooo lazy! Are you okay?

NINE things about yourself:
1. I am always always hungry...probably because I am so active.
3. I like being in control...because I am afraid of failure.
4. I don't like night time alone...I like it better with Brett.
5. I get excited to see my family everytime...because I love them so much!
8. I get song lyrics wrong all the time...
6. but I don't care about getting it right...because it's more fun and funny to get it wrong!
7. I am impatient with slow people and wish that I wasn't... I am working on it.
9. I love dancing alone... and with other people.

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
1. Sense of humour
2. Great smile & hair
3. Intelligence
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Honesty
7. Family Values
8. Good dress sense

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Why am I here? because I chose to be.
2. I wish I was a stylist...I am thinking of taking some fashion courses.
3. Shopping... because it's fabulous.
4. is the best!
5.'s delicious.
6. Brett... I love him!
7. Family...I love them.

SIX things you do before you fall asleep:
1. Wash my face & brush my teeth
2. Take off my socks
3. Rub my feet and hands together
4. Pray, wish, thanks...
5. Tell Brett I love him
6. Close my eyes

FIVE people of the opposite sex who mean a lot to you:
1. Brett.
2. Daddy
3. Grandpa
4. Leif
5. My brothers and brother in laws.

FOUR things you're wearing right now:
1. Fantastic new pumps
2. White dress shirt
3. Black pants
4. Gold

THREE songs that you listen to often lately:
1. Top of my lungs - WC
2. Wanna be startin somethin - MJ
3. Party in the USA - MC

TWO things you want to do before you die (lets change this to 35):
1. Have a child
2. Have my own clothing line

ONE confession:
1. this blog is full of it!