Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday "Sun"day

What a gorgeous day it was today!
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, people were walking around like they just had a delicious cocktail on the beach!
It's all because of the SUNSHINE!!!
I don't think I even had chocolate today... but I did have coffee (1st in 4 days! can you tell?)
As I walk down the peer for my lunch time stroll...I smile at everyone that passes by, "hello", "hi", "how lucky are we!", "this sure doesn't feel like winter!"
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love it!
I am also noticing how much I am loving exclamation marks right now!
Oh and how perfect is it that it's FRIDAY!!!
I am going to have the best weekend, even if it rains, because I will remember (and wait) that the sunshine always manages to grace us with its presence, even in November!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Laugh Out Loud

I think I've had the giggles for over a week now...

I guess I am starting to realize that if you think about any sittuation long enough, you can always find a little part (or big) about it that's funny... in my case it's usually because of my own ridicilousness..

Like when I take my niece swimming the other night. So I usually do a 20 min routine of swimiming laps first, while Kaliya waits patiently. It's a bit of a challenge when it's extra busy, with kids playing piggy in the middle, pool noodles flying all over the place, but I seem to manage... but as I took a breath before my stroke....a ball hit me right in the face! My first reaction that stung, where is that little brat that hit me? and then all of a sudden that feeling passed and I started laughing out loud at myself... even funnier is that this was not the last time a ball came flying at my face, it happened 2 more times!

Or this morning I did a 20 min yoga routine when I woke up... ahhhh....I am so in tune with my body, this will surely create a positive start to my day. On the contrary, I don't exactly know when the moment happened but I ended up changing outfits 5 times and when I got to work realized that after all that I chose a dress that 's too big and a belt that keeps riding up(my solution of "just belt it" was not a solution at all), oh and cheap stockings that feel like their pants! And I also couldn't decide weather to put my hair up or leave it down...which resulted in flat head by now.... but it doesn't matter cause I will be lying on a dentist chair getting my teeth cleaned after work today, and nobody looks that attractive after a dentist appointment.

My point the time these "terrible" things are happening I am so frustrated that I could cry...but lately...if I wait long enough I laugh instead.
